Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wonder why Cuba resents our Gito presence?

Aside from the obvious that it is their country, this is what good old Ronnie Reagan said regarding the Guantanamo issue "The purpose of the base is political: to impose the U.S. presence even if the Cubans don't want it."

Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie, you didn't help U.S. citizens much either when you deinstitutionalized the mental institutions without money going into local clinics and mental health care. That's why we have so many homeless mentally ill. Kinda ironic that Ronnie got shot by a mentally ill person who was off medication.

Ya think Ronnie was a bit elitist? Watching the current political process gives me shivers. Here in California many people are putting 'none of the above' in the governors race. Arrogance is losing us a lot of foreign friends and harming some of us here in America who are slipping into poverty level while the very rich get even richer with big bonus and tax cuts without stipulations to create jobs and not outsourcing jobs as a criteria.

Sorry, didn't mean to get political but it's what happens while blogging and watching Meet the Press at the same time.  Those of us on Social Security are experiencing the second year without a cost of living increase while health care costs as well as health care  needs are increasing. We are slipping into the ever growing poverty level in this country.  Does congress think we don't notice they voted themselves raises during this economic crisis? I wish we had a true statesman who was willing to run for president. The only one in my view is Colin Powell and his wife won't let him run. Smart woman.

On this rainy day in So Cal I continue to read about Cuba. I am now reading about Fidel. What a contradiction he is. Power hungry, manipulative, brutal, intelligent, womanizer, but unlike most Cubans, can't dance, can't sing, can play dominoes and is a huge baseball fan.  He has been from the beginning very anti American. He is only surpassed as a long time leader of his country by Queen Elizabeth.

Happy Sunday. JK

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