Saturday, October 16, 2010

Stand by for mo on Gitmo as well as a few notes on family

I really appreciate my followers and I would trade my exciting trip for their life with growing children any day. I have sweet memories of those days. 

This weekend I am compiling more up to date information about Gitmo which is the only place we hear much about in Cuba these days since it is used as a slammer for the bad guys who would do us harm. 

In addition I'll post some photos of my 'babies' one who will be 47 on November 1. Charlie was born in Puerto Rico in 1963. Here's a bit a trivia about those days; on November 22 I was in my bedroom feeding Charlie and watching Spanish language TV to improve my language skill when the priest (Episcopal) came by to set a date for Charlie's baptism. We were busy in the living room admiring my first born when TV chatter went wild. The priest and I along with baby Charlie rushed into the bedroom to see what was happening. When we realized the president had been shot, we both knelt beside the bed to say a prayer. Neither of us were able to say anything. I often wonder how the priest describes the day Kennedy was shot when that subject comes up. "oh, I was in a lady's bedroom."

My son John is in St. Louis waiting to hear about a job application. He was laid off about 3 weeks ago and at his age, 44, he is in the most risky age to find another job in this atmosphere. Keep good thoughts for him and I'll post the results after I gain control after screaming 'hooray!!' since I know he'll get the job.

Okay, my weekend has been mapped out and my books on Cuba are piled up beside me. My iPhoto archive is ready to be searched for photos of my sons. It's misty gray day.  A good day for spending in front of my computer. 

Later JudyK

1 comment:

  1. Judy I do love your blog , you inspire me everyday with your zest for life, and you are always insightful. The stories you have are very fun to read.
    I want to have a blog as well someday , maybe the upcoming year , I will start one, I love telling stories as well , as you well know . Keep them coming and the wonderful pictures as well.
