Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hello, it's me again.

No word on the job interview yet but John called this morning saying he has a few regrets about the interview and he is pretty sure he won't be hired. Biggest regret? He didn't wear the suit we purchased last August for his birthday. I say 'we' because we both chipped in to buy a nice pin stripe suit, shirt and tie. He wore jeans and a navy long sleeved t-shirt to the interview.Mistake? probably but at least he knows it and he will put that suit on next time he gets a chance to interview.  He said it was arrogant of him to do that. I didn't disagree with him.  

As for my day this cool sunny Sunday morning here on San Diego, I started off with my favorite way to spend a Sunday morning, bought the paper and watched the Today Show then Meet the Press. General consensus, we can't take in $2 and spend $3 without going deeper in debt. Well, duh. Lots of talk about keeping taxes lower for the rich, well why? Don't they have enough toys? John McCain wants to do a 'study' on the 'don't ask don't tell' policy in the military, John, listen up, it takes lots of $$$ to do a study. Give it up John, the military guys fighting a war don't care who you love, just watch their back when  you are going into harms way. Other than that I sent a query email to the Union Tribune to see if they would like a travel story about Cuba when I return. They have published two of my travel photos in the past so maybe an article to go along with the photos would be interesting. I have an ulterior motive for doing that, I want to justify buying a new camera. If I get a positive from the Trib, I'd have to have a more than 6 mp camera wouldn't I? Just asking. 

Later, JudyK

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