Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Education in Cuba

I think most people have heard that education is free for everyone in Cuba, including college. When the Spanish American War in the late 1800's kicked the Spanish out of Cuba, the literacy rate was 37%.  By 1959 22% over the age of 15 were illiterate and 60% semi literate. Rural Cubans were lucky to make it through the 3rd grade. 

After the revolution, Cuba reopened schools that had been closed and began to focus on the literacy problem. Literate city teens were sent to the rural areas to teach fellow Cubans to read. By 2000 97% of Cubans aged 15-24 were literate. Leaders in Cuba believed that a strong, world class society required an educated population. 

School attendance is compulsory from ages 6 to 16 and all students wear school uniforms.Uniform color denotes grade level. At the end of basic secondary education, pupils can choose between pre university or technical and professional education. 

I came across some interesting information regarding women in Cuba. Prior to the Revolution women were housewives, maids or prostitutes. The Federation of Cuban Women was founded in 1960 with a goal of involving all women in Cuban affairs. 

Now I'll add a few more photos to spice up my pages. Hope you enjoy them. 

I got all this information off the net and it has been highly condensed so as not to bore you with too many facts and statistics. After my trip in December, I will be able to give you more personal observations . A rural school is on the itinerary.

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