Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cuba? Why do you want to go to Cuba? or Wow?

I almost chose red to type this thinking it would be colorful but my 50s mentality intimidated me thinking my old friends would think I was a pinko commie especially since I am going to CUBA! I assure you I am a flag waving  proud American with a few disagreements with our esteemed leaders. Such as why the hell as free Americans don't we have the freedom to go to Cuba? We are friends with other Communist countries aren't we? like China where we borrow most of our money. I'm not the smartest person in the world so I thought I'd go find out for myself just what is going on down there. Don't worry, my trip is sanctioned by the US since it is a humanitarian trip and I'll only be there 8 days. Can't do much damage in that amount of time.

My trip doesn't leave until December so I am using my time to read some history and current information about Cuba. Facts I have found so far is that there is a low crime rate while Mexico has ruined their tourist trade with a very high crime rate and we can still go there. Wow, now there is an idea, maybe if we made friends with Cuba, they could take all that tourist trade that used to go to Mexico. I love Mexico but what in the world are they thinking? Is there really more money in drugs than Margaritas?

Don't get me wrong. I think Cuba would be better off with an open Democratic society. I lived in Puerto Rico most of the '60s which was a good comparison to the situation in Cuba today. Both islands were 'freed' by the Spanish American War back in the turn of the century, free meaning now we will run your country for you but Cuba wanted to be totally free to run their own country. Over simplified but there you have it in a nutshell, no pun intended. Puerto Rico has a strong middle class and is a commonwealth of the US. Come to think of it, do we have much of a middle class anymore? humm, gotta think about that one.

Now I am going to try to post a slide show of my other 'bucket list' trip to Peru back in '06. I like to think I am a photographer so humor me.

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